Have you considered the idea of having your own internet business, able to choose the hours you work, with your own business model, and be your own boss? Have you also decided not to take that step, because of worries and anxieties about the risks involved, the uncertainty, or even because of concerns which you may have regarding how to identify legitimate opportunities from the scams?
If so, then you are certainly not alone, and there is an increasing number of people who are now turning to internet technology to help create a better work life balance and distancing themselves from the increasing uncertainty of the workplace and job security. It seems that people now want to take charge of their own lives, their own careers and their own independent financial security.
Whilst it would certainly be misleading to suggest that there were no scams or untrustworthy internet business models and ideas available online, there are enough genuine, and proven ways of earning either a part time or full time income online to make it well worth a proper investigation if the idea appeals to you. If this sounds like you, then here are some basic pointers to ensure that whatever steps you take, and whatever decisions you make, you are more likely to emerge from the experience in a positive frame of mind.
Legitimacy. We've all seen those online business offers and adverts suggesting that the author made tens of thousands of dollars in the first week, is now a millionaire a few months on and generously giving all his money making secrets away for about fifty dollars a time.
The point to bear in mind is that if it sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly always is. Yes, the internet has spawned many millionaires, and yes, some people have made a fortune in a very short space of time. But when you consider the millions of people using the internet, this isn't surprising. In all honesty, you have as much chance of making a few million dollars overnight through an online business as you do winning a state lottery.
If you start to read an internet business proposal or scheme, and you realise that most of the description centres on the single individual case of the person who started it, offering no guarantees or assurances of your success, then it may well be best to move on. The best, and most promising online business schemes and ideas tend to focus more on what is involved, what you will need to do, how the financial model works, and present realistic, rather than fantastic targets and expectations.
Support. If you find a few business ideas which sound interesting, drop a direct line to the owner. Unless you're thinking of starting up your own completely independent, unique business yourself, without taking on board a basic model idea of franchise project already in place, then the chances are high that you'll need to communicate with this person quite frequently in the first few days, weeks or perhaps even months. So email the person, and see what happens.
Do they reply? How quick is the response? Is it written personally, or just an automatic reply? Is the message written in a way which sounds pleasant, helpful, and supportive and actually seeks to answer your question? This can reveal a lot about the validity of the business model and the likelihood of your success with it.
Suitability. Another thing that you need to bear in mind is the nature of the business itself, and any opportunity to adapt or extend it in ways which suit you and your personality. It's too easy to pick a web based or home based business opportunity based purely on its reliability, legitimacy or likely financial expectations. Since you could well be looking at the idea as being a long term career opportunity, you need to be honest with yourself about how you see this idea developing.
Are you an extrovert? You might prefer to look at online businesses which involve a great amount of service related work, communicating directly with consumers in various ways. Perhaps you are more of an introvert, and would prefer a business which sees you working in a much more private, solo fashion, focussing more on the product or service than on the communication with customers. Think about how you see yourself and the business in twelve months time. Is it possible to see yourself happy, progressing well and with a business which is both succeeding at the same time as providing you with fresh challenges and opportunities?
Research. One advantage of considering an online or internet business opportunity is that you will be in good company. There are thousands of people who have already taken the plunge, learnt from mistakes, discovered successes, and who are more than willing to share those with you. Sign up to forums and discussion boards where people can share these ideas and experiences, and don't be afraid to ask people for advice, and listen to their responses.
If so, then you are certainly not alone, and there is an increasing number of people who are now turning to internet technology to help create a better work life balance and distancing themselves from the increasing uncertainty of the workplace and job security. It seems that people now want to take charge of their own lives, their own careers and their own independent financial security.
Whilst it would certainly be misleading to suggest that there were no scams or untrustworthy internet business models and ideas available online, there are enough genuine, and proven ways of earning either a part time or full time income online to make it well worth a proper investigation if the idea appeals to you. If this sounds like you, then here are some basic pointers to ensure that whatever steps you take, and whatever decisions you make, you are more likely to emerge from the experience in a positive frame of mind.
Legitimacy. We've all seen those online business offers and adverts suggesting that the author made tens of thousands of dollars in the first week, is now a millionaire a few months on and generously giving all his money making secrets away for about fifty dollars a time.
The point to bear in mind is that if it sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly always is. Yes, the internet has spawned many millionaires, and yes, some people have made a fortune in a very short space of time. But when you consider the millions of people using the internet, this isn't surprising. In all honesty, you have as much chance of making a few million dollars overnight through an online business as you do winning a state lottery.
If you start to read an internet business proposal or scheme, and you realise that most of the description centres on the single individual case of the person who started it, offering no guarantees or assurances of your success, then it may well be best to move on. The best, and most promising online business schemes and ideas tend to focus more on what is involved, what you will need to do, how the financial model works, and present realistic, rather than fantastic targets and expectations.
Support. If you find a few business ideas which sound interesting, drop a direct line to the owner. Unless you're thinking of starting up your own completely independent, unique business yourself, without taking on board a basic model idea of franchise project already in place, then the chances are high that you'll need to communicate with this person quite frequently in the first few days, weeks or perhaps even months. So email the person, and see what happens.
Do they reply? How quick is the response? Is it written personally, or just an automatic reply? Is the message written in a way which sounds pleasant, helpful, and supportive and actually seeks to answer your question? This can reveal a lot about the validity of the business model and the likelihood of your success with it.
Suitability. Another thing that you need to bear in mind is the nature of the business itself, and any opportunity to adapt or extend it in ways which suit you and your personality. It's too easy to pick a web based or home based business opportunity based purely on its reliability, legitimacy or likely financial expectations. Since you could well be looking at the idea as being a long term career opportunity, you need to be honest with yourself about how you see this idea developing.
Are you an extrovert? You might prefer to look at online businesses which involve a great amount of service related work, communicating directly with consumers in various ways. Perhaps you are more of an introvert, and would prefer a business which sees you working in a much more private, solo fashion, focussing more on the product or service than on the communication with customers. Think about how you see yourself and the business in twelve months time. Is it possible to see yourself happy, progressing well and with a business which is both succeeding at the same time as providing you with fresh challenges and opportunities?
Research. One advantage of considering an online or internet business opportunity is that you will be in good company. There are thousands of people who have already taken the plunge, learnt from mistakes, discovered successes, and who are more than willing to share those with you. Sign up to forums and discussion boards where people can share these ideas and experiences, and don't be afraid to ask people for advice, and listen to their responses.
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