Body Language Guide

“I speak two languages: Body and English” Mae West

Body language contributes to more than 50% of what we are communicating at each point. Knowing how to communicate beyond words therefore becomes significantly important in both our personal and professional lives. The ability to read and interpret other’s body gestures and movements will enable you to understand them better. This understanding also enhances your daily communications and negotiations with other people.

This article focuses on some of the more critical body gestures which are often ignored by people but can make a huge difference in our everyday interactions with those around us. Recognising any of the gestures described below and understanding their hidden meanings can allow you to react and respond promptly and achieve better results in either personal or professional life.

   1. Body language of power:

Sit higher than other people. This may seem obvious but it is well known that taller people tend to be more confident and therefore more likely to become successful and more powerful than others. Ladies can take advantage of high heels and long trousers to appear taller and men can modify their body image by having a good posture and standing with straight backs.

   1. Body language of boredom:

Understanding gestures associated with boredom can play a big role in helping you succeed in whatever you are trying to achieve. You may be giving an important business pitch or simple trying to impress a romantic partner. Recognising signs of boredom allows you to change or stop whatever you are doing and turn the situation to your own benefit. Apart from yawn which is one of the more obvious signs of boredom, watch for lack of eye contact and saggy posture of the person you are talking to.

   1. Body language of aggression:

Some degree of aggression can sometimes be helpful especially if you are trying to defend yourself or your position. Recognising aggressive body gestures expressed by others will also help you to understand their true feelings and intentions better and make better choices in dealing with such people. While clenched fists and frowning are the better known signs of aggression, more subtle signs include invading other person’s personal space and chin tilts.

   1. Body language of defence:

Recognising defensive moves and gestures by others will help you to change your tone, tactics or even body language to change the mood and establish cooperative and productive environments. In defensive mode people tend to use barriers. These could be anything from a table to a handbag in women’s case. The eyes also give away the defensive person’s true feelings as they start looking for an exit route.

   1. Body language of domination:

Some body gestures common to those who want to present themselves as dominant includes standing with their leg apart and shaking hands with their palm facing down. A dominant person may also ignore you in order to show his superiority. The gestures associated with superiority include avoiding eye contacts during conversation and interruption while you are talking.


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