The Right Way to Make Money on the Internet
A lot of people always seem to wonder if making money online is actually possible. Well the answer to this question may actually amaze these people because yes, it is possible. If you do it correctly you will be to obtain this wealth successfully. However, you need to be aware that although you can make money online, but it will not happen overnight.
If you are willing to put forth a constant effort into your internet business then you stand to begin to see a profit of may be a few hundred dollars within one month after opening. To you this may not sound like a lot but you need to realize it’s not so much the profits that you begin to see but the effort that you put into the project is beginning to pay off. The few hundred dollars can quickly turn into thousands in just a few months if you continue to keep those efforts up.
How quickly you are able to make a profit on the internet will actually be based on a few different factors. One of the first of these was being having a business model which you have the ability to choose from. There are a wide range of possibilities of how you can make money online. The choice is yours and the doors are wide open.
Next you are going to want to make sure that you have tools as well as the resources available. These are the two most important things that you will need to obtain your overall success. If you do not have prior knowledge about how to make money you are going to need seek the aide of professionals in the field.
You may also want to consider looking for people that have already been quite successful in the internet business world to guide you. You need to also be sure that you are taking all the proper action that is required to get your feet off the ground.
All of these are great ways to help you get your feet in the door when it comes to the world of making money online. You need to be sure that you are following a few easy steps to set yourself on the path to success. The more effort that you put forward in effort and the more knowledge that you are able to put to use the more profits that you are going to see. Begin your search on making money online today.
Moss Jackson & Ken Lichtenstein: Business Partnerships - Blog Business Success Radio
Business coaches Moss Jackson of Navigating For Success and Ken Lichtenstein of Corporate Initiatives describe some of the issues involved with common partnership arrangements. They discuss family partnerships as well arms length agreements, and some of the problems and potential found in each type. They also share some of the psychological implications of different personality types and their impact on business partnership success and failure.
Moss Jackson and Ken Lichtenstein are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.
The show airs live on Thursday, December 3, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.
Business coaches Moss Jackson of Navigating For Success and Ken Lichtenstein of Corporate Initiatives describe some of the issues involved with common partnership arrangements. You will learn:
* How the people side of business affects partnerships in all ways
* How to navigate the challenges of family owned partnership companies
* How to handle the many short and long term challenges of partnerships
* How to create a model of success for all business partnerships
Moss A. Jackson (photo left) is a clinical and organization psychologist who has been practicing in the field since 1972.
He specializes in two areas:
1. Psychotherapy and success coaching with adolescents and adults.
2. Helping companies and organizations to create healthy and profitable partnerships, teams and successful relationships.
Over the past year, he has created Navigating For Success Workshops for adults, couples and adolescents.
Ken Lichtenstein (photo left) has worked for 25 years in the area of people development. He is experienced in effectively developing leaders, teams, and organizational units. He has coached individual contributors, managers and executives.
Ken has successfully assisted companies from broadly changing their cultures, increasing team effectiveness, to coaching individuals to improve their work performance. He understands the challenges of business from the inside, having spent most of his career living day to day with critical business challenges.
Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.
If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.
To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832
Let's talk with business coaches Moss Jackson of Navigating For Success and Ken Lichtenstein of Corporate Initiatives as they describe some of the issues involved with common partnership arrangements. They discuss family partnerships as well arms length agreements, and some of the problems and potential found in each type. They also share some of the psychological implications of different personality types and their impact on business partnership success and failure on Blog Business Success Radio.
Tags: Moss Jackson, Ken Lichtenstein, family, business partnership challenges, Blog Business Success, Blog Talk Radio.
Labels: Busines Ideas
The Temples Of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman - Book review
The Temples of Light
An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools
An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools
By: Danielle Rama Hoffman
Published: October 21, 2009
Format: Paperback, 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1591430992
ISBN-13: 978-1591430995
Publisher: Bear & Company
"You are a living temple. This journey through the Temples of Light initiations is a process of coming fully to life, of turning on all of the light within you, of moving into your heart and becoming your most realized self", writes healer and teacher of meta-physics and the healing arts Danielle Rama Hoffman, in her inspirational and profound book The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. The author shares the secrets of discovering your inner strength and empowerment through a course of initiation into the ancient Egyptian mystery schools.
Danielle Rama Hoffman is a wonderful guide to the secrets of the thirteen important Egyptian temples that form the personal journey into inner enlightenment. Based on the myth of the dismemberment of the body of the god Osiris into fourteen parts, the temples represent each part of his physical and spiritual reconstruction. The fourteenth temple, is within yourself and its discovery is part of a personal rebirth and spiritual awakening. The author takes the reader as initiate through the intricate and deeply personal process of self discovery and awareness as manifested by each of the temples. As the initiate moves along the road to ascension, Danielle Rama Hoffman shares powerful learning techniques that help the reader to delve more deeply into the mysteries and into the soul.
Danielle Rama Hoffman (photo left) has traveled the spiritual route to enlightenment that she describes in the book. Her own personal journey is intertwined into the lessons provided in the book. By understanding her own shift in consciousness, she is able to guide the reader on the proper path to personal awareness and fulfillment through the ancient Egyptian wisdom. Each of the thirteen temples offers up its secrets, and the author helps the seeker to internalize and discover the power of each of them in turn. Through the course of finding the sacred sites, both in physical and spiritual terms, the initiate will become more at one with the cosmic consciousness. The book tells of the author's story, but the true journey is that of the reader's inner discovery and enlightenment.
For me, the power of the book is Danielle Rama Hoffman's gentle guidance for the novice initiate along the voyage to self discovery. The author shares her own journey, but more importantly, delves deeply into the importance of taking each step along that road to self awareness. The course is for the reader, and the path is that of the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, and their relevance to personal understanding in the modern world. The book contains a valuable CD that contains two of the initiation steps, including the critical first initiation, to help the novice get started along the way. The author also includes beautiful color photographs of the thirteen temples described in the book, helping to make ancient Egypt even more alive today. Along with the main text of the book, the author includes a valuable glossary of ancient Egyptian terms and a list of mainstream and alternative books on Egyptian religion, mythology, and history.
I highly recommend the powerful and awe inspiring book The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools by Danielle Rama Hoffman, to anyone seeking an alternative path to personal enlightenment and spiritual awakening. The author helps the reader to develop an open heart and an acceptance of one's own personal experience, while preparing the initiate for transforming that past into an empowered and happier present and future.
Read the essential spiritual guide to initiation The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools by Danielle Rama Hoffman, and embark on your personal journey to deeper spiritual and cosmic awareness. Along the way, as you learn more about the power of the message contained in the ancient Egyptian ideas, your interest in the subject matter will also grow. While the nature of the ancient Egyptian mythology is beyond the scope of the book, the reader will soon feel the desire to learn more about that intriguing and ever fascinating culture and its beliefs. This book is a valuable beginning on your own personal journey to spiritual awareness.
The Temples of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman, is being offered, along with $3000.00 in bonus gifts, beginning on December 8th at 12:01 am. We invite you to visit - and then click on the “order” link, order the book on Amazon and return to the promotional page. Enter your name and email address to reach the bonus page. The bonuses are not available until December 8th.
Tags: The Temples of Light: An Initiatory Journey into the Heart Teachings of the Egyptian Mystery Schools, Danielle Rama Hoffman, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, philosophy book reviews.
Labels: book reviews
Get the Clickbank Best Selling Affiliate Marketing Course Almost Free
As you have known affiliate marketing is an online money making method that many people are suggesting right now. You probably have got interested to try doing affiliate marketing. To begin in affiliate marketing, you'll need to first learn about how the entire process works and what are the effective strategies to generate income with affiliate marketing.
There are many articles and blog posts talking about this topic, but you might find the info and tips in these articles weren't enough because it's impossible for an article or a blog post to cover all aspects of affiliate marketing.
You must know specifically and exactly how to do it if you want to make real money from affiliate marketing. And you want to learn from someone who is an expert at this industry. So who is expert in this industry? Chris Carpender is one of the guys I recommend.

If you want to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing, I highly recommend you sign up for the Google Cash 4 course at:
The Google Cash 4 has been transformed into a video course with solid content and up-to-dated affiliate marketing information. It shows exactly how everyone can start making money from affiliate marketing.
And Chris has included two bonuses as well which are:
The No Money System course - It is also a video affiliate marketing course. The course is focusing on the different free techniques that you can used to market your affiliate programs and earn commission.
Google Cash Detective - This is a cutting edge affiliate marketing software tool. It was actually cost over one thousand dollars to get access to this tool when it just released. What the tool does is it finds profitable Google AdWords campaigns of other people for you so you can clone the ad campaigns and make money. It's a powerful tool that can help you generate affiliate sales and commission.
So how much these affiliate marketing home study courses will cost you?
Chris can easily charge for this entire package for $97. But, no the package isn't costing $97. It's not $67, $47 not even $5.
The entire package is just $1. Yes for just $1 you’ll learn everything about how to start making real money with affiliate marketing from the affiliate expert, Chris Carpender. I'm sure you'll find learning interesting because everything is shown in video.
With Your WordPress Blog Start Making Money Today
Guest post by Andrew Rondeau
Have you heard of the thousands of bloggers out there earning over $1,000 per day? The online wealth flame is most certainly still alive, and with blogs set to transform the journalism and publishing industry, there's big money to be made with a well designed, highly targeted blog. No matter what subject you write about, there are thousands of people out there who are interested in your opinion, and are dying to hear what you've got to say.
So don't waste time with failed money making schemes. Focus on what's proven to bring in cash: blogging. With a simple Wordpress blog, you can establish your own online presence and create a scalable online income. While there are hundreds of ways to make money with a Wordpress blog, these four are our favorites:
#1: Use Google Adsense to generate blogging income
Advertising is the oldest and most stable form of online income, with hundreds of thousands of bloggers turning to Google's Adsense program to generate revenue from their blogs. Thanks to an extremely user-friendly interface, even an absolute beginner blogger can see results from their Adsense ad blocks, provided they've got a large enough audience to go with them. Focus on establishing readers and subscribers, then incorporate advertisements into your blog for maximum clicks and interest. Revenue might start out small, but with a large enough audience it will quickly snowball into something bigger.
#2: Sell your services using your blog
Are you a graphic designer or web developer? If you're a popular blogger, you've got an instant audience to advertise your services to. Even a simple Wordpress blog is enough to advertise your business on, and with a dedicated and targeted audience, you could see passive subcribers turn into active, paying customers. This strategy works best when your blog is focused on the industry you operate in. While any advertising is worth it, you'll get best results from advertising design services on your design blog, coding on your programming blog, and so on.
#3: Use affiliate programs to generate income
Affiliate programs are effectively online commission sales jobs. When a reader clicks through to an affiliate ad, they're taken to an online store, where you receive a portion of every sale made. This is a great way to monetize a blog that's product based, rather than industry based. Focus on driving leads to products that they're interested in, and use your blog to promote products that you know will sell.
#4: Add sponsored blog posts for extra income
If you've got a wide audience, companies would love to have you personally advertise their products. Banner advertisements can only do so much, and in an interconnected world it's best to have influential people do your selling. One way of generating blogging income is to use sponsored posts, which are essentially a sales pitch wrapped up in a blog post. Sometimes, companies will approach you with an idea for a sponsored post. On other occasions, you can custom design one yourself using affiliate links and a product you know your audience will love.
Don’t get me wrong, doing all of the above is not going to make you $1000 a day within weeks or months. Blogging is hard work and takes a lot of commitment and persistence. But you do have to start somewhere.
How do you make your money blogging? Share you views in the comments below.
Author bio:
Andrew Rondeau is the author of the free guide 'Build Your Own Profitable Blog in 45 Minutes'. Grab your complimentary copy at today and start making a blog income.
Jo-Ann Geffen - The Story Behind The Song - Author interview
Jo-Ann Geffen, co-author and editor of the fascinating book Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song - The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs was enough was kind enough to answer a few questions about this fine book.
Jo-Ann Geffen shared her reasons for becoming part of the Chicken Soup group of books, and how this book became a reality.
Thanks to Jo-Ann Geffen for her time and her answers.
What was the background to writing this book Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song?
Jo-Ann: I have been in the entertainment industry for many years. I was at a meeting at which Mark, one of the founders of the “Chicken Soup…” brand and Bob Jacobs, president of the publishing company, were discussing the various titles – I was frankly taken aback! I had no idea how expansive the subject matter was. It occurred to me that there had not been a book exclusively with celebrities or about music. Thus, the idea sprang forth.
What attracted you to becoming part of the Chicken Soup book series?
Jo-Ann Geffen: The brand has an immediate identity and the combination of their winning formula and what I believed to be a good idea, seemed a natural.
How were the contributors and songs included in the anthology selected?
Jo-Ann Geffen: Several are friends, clients or former clients. Many I know through various events or bookings I’ve done. The majority, however, were based on popular opinion, and I was very conscious of crossing all genres of music, from classic rock to country, pop, hard rock and even rap and children’s. I hope that people will realize how similar we all are and that basic human emotions and experiences are universal.
Jo-Ann Geffen (photo left)
Songs are very evocative of memories, people and places. Were you conscious of tapping into this special power that music holds?
Jo-Ann Geffen: Definitely -- and of how many songs reflect history and pop culture, in more general terms. Jerry Cantrell, for instance, of Alice in Chains, in “Rooster” speaks to his father and how being a part of the Vietnam War changed each of their lives and the entire family dynamic. It was through this song that they each realized each other’s pain and were able to forge a strong relationship that prevails. On a lighter side, Ray Stevens’ ”The Streak” refers to the famous ‘70s fad of people streaking across public areas, specifically the Academy Awards on national television.
I recognized about three quarters of the songs in the book. Did you find yourself, as I did, remembering where you first heard each of the songs in the book?
Jo-Ann Geffen: Absolutely – and the person with whom I either sat at the concert or was driving with when it played on the radio.
I think the book will help many people discover many new songs and rediscover older ones, and with the story behind the music as a guide, it will lead to greater appreciation of the writers and artists. Do you expect the book will achieve that purpose as well?
Jo-Ann Geffen: I hope so – that was actually a large part of the goal.
What is next for Jo-Ann Geffen?
Jo-Ann Geffen: I still have my “day job” as a publicist for people like Lamont Dozier, David Cassidy, Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart Simpson), and some entertainment companies and hopefully this book will lead to other similar opportunities. Thank you!
My book review of Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs edited by Jo-Ann Geffen.
Tags: Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs, Jo-Ann Geffen, songwriters, songwriting, music author interviews.
Labels: author interviews
The Story Behind The Song by Jo-Ann Geffen & Jack Canfoeld & Mark Victor Hansen - Book review
Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song
The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs
The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs
By: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jo-Ann Geffen
Published: November 10 2009
Format: Trade Paperback, 448 pages
ISBN-10: 1935096400
ISBN-13: 9781935096405
Publisher: Chicken Soup For The Soul Publishing, LLC
"A songwriter has many reasons why he or she writes a song", writes Motown music legend Lamont Dozier in his foreword to the fascinating and highly entertaining book Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs, edited by entertainment industry executive Jo-Ann Geffen, as part of the Chicken Soup group of books coordinated by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. The book contains the deeply personal stories of how and why 101 popular songs were written.
Jo-Ann Geffen has put together a powerful anthology of songwriters, describing their thoughts, feelings, and circumstances that led to creating some of the best known and beloved pieces of popular music. The editor transcended musical genres and times, and selected writers representing all of the modern musical era, and every type of music. The songs in the book include pop and rock classics, alternative, rap, country, and soul. Whether the song is the standard "My Way" by Paul Anka, the deeply introspective "At Seventeen" by Janis Ian, or the reconciliation of "Rooster" by Jerry Cantrell, all of the memories are written from the heart.
Jo-Ann Geffen (photo left) helps the writers recapture and recreate the emotions and often life changing events that led to the creation of these great songs. While the reader may not be familiar with all of the songs in the collection, that is most definitely not a barrier to reading the book. I knew about three quarters of the songs discussed in the book, prior to reading it. I now have an interest in hearing many of the songs again, or listening to some of new ones for the first time. Reading the background to each composition gives a deeper meaning and understanding to how and why each song was written. As a result, a music lover can gain a richer appreciation of the songwriter's craft. The end result, of music that will stand the test of time, is powerful and moving. These songs form the soundtrack of our lives.
For me, the power of the book is the recognition that every song tells a story far beyond the literal meaning of the words. Behind every song is a creative process, often resulting from tragedy, loss, or even a miraculous event. In every case, the words of the songwriter shares that sense of wonder and personal connection with the music. At the same time, the writer taps into feelings that are universal to all people, giving the song and its lyrics even more resonance and power. The writers created these songs for many and varied reasons, and from intensely felt emotions and feelings. The resulting music provides pleasure and strikes an emotional chord with millions of people, and enriches our lives.
I highly recommend the intriguing and rewarding book Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs edited by Jo-Ann Geffen, to anyone seeking a deeper appreciation for the incredibly talented writers, the songwriting process, and for the songs themselves. Reading over the song lyrics, accompanied by the comments from the writer, provides an entirely new experience to the music lover. The song is transformed from music on the radio, stereo, or iPod, and becomes part of a personal human experience.
Read the profound and moving book Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs edited by Jo-Ann Geffen, and discover a richer understanding of your favorite songs. As you read these intensely personal stories, the distinctions of musical genres and tastes fade away. In there place, is a sense of the power of music and the creativity deep within the human soul. The anthology is a treasure to be enjoyed over and over, just like the songs shared in the book.
Tags: Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Story Behind the Song: The Exclusive Personal Stories Behind Your Favorite Songs, Jo-Ann Geffen, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Lamont Dozier, songwriters, songwriting, music book reviews.
Labels: book reviews
Gringos In Paradise by Malana Ashlie - Book review
Gringos In Paradise
Our Honduran Odyssey
Our Honduran Odyssey
By: Malana Ashlie
Published: January 17, 2007
Format: Paperback: 170 pages
ISBN-10: 1419657526
ISBN-13: 978-1419657528
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
"We decided to move to Honduras. Why we chose that portion, or even any portion, of Central America has no firm answer", writes ex-pat American and current resident of Honduras Malana Ashlie, in her heartfelt book Gringos In Paradise: Our Honduran Odyssey. The author tells the story of how she and her husband make the dramatic and life changing move to live permanently in Honduras.
Malana Ashlie and her husband are baby boomers who share a sense of wonder about the world, and a willingness to travel and live in many places. The author is open about her own personal wanderlust and how her childhood involved many moves from one home to another. Thinking that putting down roots in one place would create a sense of home. Marlana Ashlie discovered the secret that home is in the heart, and that paradise is where one finds it. Paradise is as much a state of mind, for the author and her husband, as it is a geographic location. As a result, the book chronicles the couples' move from one paradise in Hawaii, to another different paradise in the Central American country of Honduras. Through it all, the couple maintains their sense of discovery, and of adventure, along with a steadfast confidence that the land would provide for their needs.
Malana Ashlie (photo left) describes the move in detail, from the initial decision to seek a home in Honduras, to moving the family calico cat Puen, to the sudden culture shock and language barrier of their adopted land. Combining a strong sense of spirituality with good humor, the story of the transition from newcomers to part of the social fabric of the country, is told with humor and sensitivity. A genuine love of the people and geography of Honduras spills through every page of this deeply personal narrative. The author who had always sought a home and paradise, found both in the constantly amazing land of Honduras.
For me, the power of the book is how the story of two baby boomer Americans, along with their wonderful cat, find happiness and inner peace in a new land. Written in a very effective journal style, Malana Ashlie and her husband meet the challenges offered by an unfamiliar culture with good spirit and optimism. Whether they are seeking to purchase a car, buying household necessities, or working with the local people, the stories convey a strong love of the country and its wonderful inhabitants. The couple are transformed spiritually, and in the end, the author is able to write proudly that Honduras is her home.
I highly recommend the often humorous, and always fascinating book Gringos In Paradise: Our Honduran Odyssey by Malana Ashlie, to anyone seeking a story of finding home and paradise both within the heart and in the physical world. This book travels both the spiritual and literal route to true happiness and belonging in the world.
Read the heartfelt book Gringos In Paradise: Our Honduran Odyssey by Malana Ashlie, and share in the sense of wonder and adventure as Marlana, her husband Ordin, and their cat Puen set off on the voyage of a lifetime. In the end, they find their sense of home, and discover their own personal paradise.
Tags: Gringos In Paradise: Our Honduran Odyssey, Marlana Ashlie, ex-patriot life, Honduras, travel book reviews.
Labels: book reviews
Choosing the Right Blogging Platform
So you’ve decided that blogging is for you to make money online. Now, one of the things you need to choose is which blogging platform to use. Selecting the right one will make your blogging days easy. Choose the wrong one, and you could end up never enjoying blogging again.
A blogging platform is a program designed to help you in managing your blog. From the first steps of creation, all the way to adding, editing and deleting posts, as well as approving or deleting comments. In addition to these common tasks, your platform may be able to enhance your blog with other elements as well. Therefore, it is important to spend time experimenting with different types available to see which platform is right for you.
Of course you want a user friendly blogging platform that allows you to customize your blog to make it unique. Don’t expect it to just fall right into your lap though, part of this process is to see which one suits you and your needs most ideally. Spend some time feeling them out and testing them before settling with your favorite choice.
When searching for the right one, it will help to know what you are looking for. Do you want one that is simple to use with less features perhaps, or perhaps a highly customizable one that adds features and enhancements is more for you.
One such platform, Moveable Type, is a highly customizable platform, but may be a poor choice if you do not have HTML or Javascript experience. If you are comfortable with code and computer languages or you are an experienced web master, this may be the choice for you.
Conversely, if you are not so technically savvy, an automated platform such as WordPress and Blogger may be your best route to success. If you don’t mind using templates, or are a new blogger, WordPress and Blogger offer an extremely user-friendly alternative for those without skills in coding.
You can’t get an accurate depiction of the best blogging platform out there though. You will have different needs and ideas for your blog than the next blogger. While you may find MoveableType the most appropriate choice, your best friend may find another program more rewarding and therefore, the best.
Also, don’t forget that blogging is as individual as personalities are, and there is no software that will satisfy each individual’s needs. There are many available, and this is because the developers are as individual as the bloggers, and create programs suited for many styles and aptitudes, including your own.
The Digital Handshake by Paul Chaney - Book review
The Digital Handshake
Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media
Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media
By: Paul Chaney
Published: September 2009
Format: Hardcover, 272pp
ISBN-13: 9780470499276
ISBN-10: 0470499273
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
"What used to be known as the information superhighway has become an interconnected maze of conversation, a global symphony of voices speaking at once. This has vast implications for business", writes social media expert Paul Chaney, in his very practical and all encompassing book The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media. The author builds a powerful case for embracing social media as a conversation building channel, while laying out a very usable blueprint for any company to put social media tactics into action.
Paul Chaney understands the value of conversation in building trust between a marketer and a potential customer. At the same time, he recognizes the critical importance of nurturing and developing that conversation further with existing customers. Key to conversation in any medium is listening, and Paul Chaney emphasizes that no two way communication is possible, in any meaningful way, without truly hearing what the other person is saying. As a result, the author shares his powerful ideas for starting conversations and for turning them into long term customer relationships. For Paul Chaney, the days of one sided, controlled messages broadcast to the consumer are long gone. If any businesses continue to employ these outmoded tactics in a digitally connected world, they are only hastening their own demise.
Paul Chaney (photo left) takes the leading edge position that that social media is much more than simply a set of tools. For the author, social media and conversation are about creating an entirely new way of thinking. As both the media and the consumer become more fragmented, it's essential to find a medium that meets the consumer on their terms. The rise of social media sites including blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and the various video outlets, along with the audio medium of podcasts demonstrates clearly that the consumer want and demand the message in their preferred format. The good news for marketers, according to Paul Chaney, is that consumers want to receive marketing messages. The onus is on the marketer to listen to those consumers and build relationships based on real conversations.
For me, the power of the book is how Paul Chaney shares both a strategic and a tactical outline for employing social media effectively. His seven strategies are proven to be effective in the real world of marketing, and if used correctly, can add value for both the company and the consumer. Paul Chaney lives what he writes, and as a result, shares a passion for the conversational value of social media. The author provides a critical bridge from the theoretical value of social media to the hands on world of results oriented business. Social media is still in the very early stages of its acceptance as an accepted mainstream marketing and public relations tactic. Paul Chaney teaches business people how to enter into the social media arena through listening and sharing conversations. In other words, this book shows how to use social media the right way from the very beginning of a business relationship.
I highly recommend the research based and real world proven book The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media by Paul Chaney, to any business people working in the areas of marketing and public relations, as well as to any entrepreneurs and small business owners seeking to make a genuine connection with their customers. Paul Chaney, and the many experts quoted in the book (disclaimer: I am quoted in the podcasting section), share real world tactics for developing relationships through conversation and high touch techniques.
Read the business transformational guide The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media by Paul Chaney, and discover the power and growing importance of social media in business. Instead of continuing to use the increasingly ineffective broadcast tactics, and failed attempts at controlling the message, Paul Chaney shares a better way. Listen to your customers, and nurture conversations that lead to long term relationships, and watch your customers become happier, as your company grows the right way.
Tags: The Digital Handshake: Seven Proven Strategies to Grow Your Business Using Social Media, Paul Chaney, social media strategy and tactics, business book reviews.
Labels: book reviews
Seven by Jacqueline Leo - Book review
The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success
The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success
By: Jacqueline Leo
Published: December 12, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 272
ISBN: 9780446542692
Publisher: Twelve
"Seven is a natural brain filter, managing information and visual stimuli in order to let the brain and memory function properly", writes media guru, editor, and director of visual operations for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation Jacqueline Leo, in her entertaining and lighthearted look at the very special number Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success. The author presents the many ways that the number seven has held a special role in history, and its impact on our daily lives today.
Jacqueline Leo understands the cultural importance of the number seven. It has held a position of importance in all cultures, and in all historical periods. Whether the field is science, psychology, or religion, the number seven has been significant in all of them. The number seven is fascinating for its ubiquitous sorting function for many people. The author reminds us that most people will select seven when asked to choose a number between one and ten, or use only seven recipes out of an entire cookbook. Whether the area of interest is learning, love, or happiness, Jacqueline Leo has intriguing information on the importance of the number seven in our personal lives as well.
Jacqueline Leo (photo left) combines fun facts surrounding the mystical, and usually considered to be lucky number seven. She describes how regular telephone numbers consist of seven digits because that amount is the limit of most people's short term memory. Even at the earliest stages of life, and throughout a child's development and into adulthood, the mind learns in stages of sevens. The number seven, according to the author's research, can be used effectively to develop a career path, start and operate a successful business, or to achieve success in all areas of life. The book is packed with examples, both whimsical and science based, of the importance of the number seven in all stages of our lives.
For me, the power of the book is how Jacqueline Leo presents the multi-faceted role of the number seven in so many fields. Combining information with lighthearted fun facts about the number and its quirks, the book is a delight to read. It can be opened at any page, and the reader will be rewarded with ideas to ponder and a smile to enjoy. The author includes many personal stories, written by guest authors of renown, on their experiences with the number seven. The book is both practical and a pleasure to read and enjoy.
I highly recommend the fun and fascinating Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success by Jacqueline Leo, to anyone seeking an enjoyable read about an eternally intriguing number. The book holds riches for readers in search of number based mysticism, hard science, or just some fun facts for sharing with friends and family.
Read the rewarding and smile inducing book Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success by Jacqueline Leo, and discover the power and constant place of the number seven in your life and that of other people and cultures. Regardless of the time or place, societies have given importance and significance to the number seven. This book will give you a solid primer on that ubiquitous and very lucky integer.
Tags: Seven: The Number for Happiness, Love, and Success, Jacqueline Leo, mysticism, memory, lucky numbers, philosophy book reviews.
Labels: book reviews
Feddie Girl by Nona David - Book review
Feddie Girl
The Hilarious Adventures of an American Teen in a Nigerian Federal School
The Hilarious Adventures of an American Teen in a Nigerian Federal School
By: Nona David
Published: July 2009
Format: US Trade Paperback, 400 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9824526-0-8
Publisher: Bernard Books Publishing
Thirteen year old Carlotta Ikedi didn't like attending her American schools, and was in constant trouble, and was often expelled for her behavior. Seeking a solution to Carlotta's problems, her parents enroll her in a private girls school in Nigeria. Carlotta faces a culture shock unlike any that she has ever known, and faces the challenge of succeeding on her own in a strange environment. In the wonderful coming of age novel Feddie Girl: The Hilarious Adventures of an American Teen in a Nigerian Federal School, author Nona David weaves a fine story of character, friendship, and triumph over adversity.
Nona David develops several important themes in the book including the interaction of the girls attending the West African school. As an American, Carlotta is termed a Feddie Girl by the other students, and as such occupies a special niche in the school. The students do not always treat one another well, and as a result, friction does take place. Carlotta must learn how to navigate the unfamiliar customs and rigid rules and punishments practiced in the school. Her recognition that she must take care of herself, and not depend on others helps her to cope with the different culture. At the same time, she develops important friendships and shares mutual support with several other girls.
Carlotta begins her Nigerian school career with her bad attitude firmly in place. Over time, the spoiled American girl becomes independent and reaches out to others. Her character grows along with her acceptance of the school and its students, mores, and rules. The story follows the evolution of Carlotta from her beginnings as a troubled youth to responsible young woman. Her initial concern is only for herself, but as she gets to know and understand Nigeria and its people, she changes her opinion from intense dislike to one of understanding and love.
I highly recommend the memorable and intriguing book Feddie Girl: The Hilarious Adventures of an American Teen in a Nigerian Federal School by Nona David, as a coming of age tale that takes on fairy tale proportions. In the exile of Carlotta to her father's home country of Nigeria, leaving her parents and their troubled marriage behind, Carlotta is transformed as a person. She starts her journey of self discovery with bitterness and disappointment and becomes one with her new surroundings and the people of Nigeria. The scenes in the book are memorable, and the characters stay with the reader long after the book ends.
Read the fascinating and enjoyable adventure novel Feddie Girl: The Hilarious Adventures of an American Teen in a Nigerian Federal School by Nona David, and transport yourself in both place and time to a private girls school in West Africa. Become entwined in the main plot and in the many interwoven subplots that give this novel its richness. Spend some time with Feddie Girl Carlotta, and share her sorrows and enjoy her triumphs as she becomes part of the school social fabric.
Tags: Feddie Girl: The Hilarious Adventures of an American Teen in a Nigerian Federal School, Nona David, Lagos, Nigeria, private school, fiction book reviews.
Labels: book reviews
Creating Money Making Affiliate Website Using Easy Website Builder
Guest Post by Paul Vrieling
If you want to make money online, then you have a few different ways to do it. One of the most popular ways is by using affiliate marketing. You find a good product to promote, get your links for tracking your sales and make a website. You drive traffic to the website and for every sale you make, you get paid. Sounds pretty easy, right?
Well, actually it's pretty hard! There is a lot of competition out there in the affiliate marketing world. You need an advantage to get your sites ranking high. Another major roadblock for most people is the fact that you have to make a website to make money this way. You can't just take your link and market that! That is not a good long term strategy and Adwords will take your ad of sooner or later if you use this method.
So, most people turn to Wordpress to make affiliate marketing websites. Wordpress has lots of cool features and plug ins, so if you are a technical genius - go for it! One of the hardest parts is creating a data base. Most newbies don't understand how to do this.
Well, thankfully one internet marketer finally came out with a better way. It's an affiliate marketing website builder that is super easy to use and has many of the same features marketers love with wordpress! You can create affiliate review sites in just minutes...Here's how.
1. Open up your favorite FTP program (Filezilla is mine, it's free)
2. Connect with your host on your domain name (this is very easy and they have directions)
3. Upload a file folder to your domain
4. Log into ---> YourDomainNameHere(dot)com/admin.php
5. You are DONE!
That's it! You just enter your domain name into your browser and add the admin.php part. You enter you user name and password and you are in the editor. You are now able to change titles, descriptions, add tracking codes, content, articles and more!
Much easier than using Wordpress with many of the same great features, such as:
1. Easy What you see is what you get editor and html mode for advanced users as well
2. Ability to update site and add content very easily
3. Automatically creates RSS feeds and a SITEMAP for you websites! This is great for SEO...
4. Automatically PINGS whatever sites you want every time you add new content! Hello Google!
5. Visitors to your sites can leave comments and rate the products you are promoting (you allow the ones you want to appear) creating an internet "buzz" about your products and boosting sales!
6. These sites were created to sell products and they work!
I was lucky enough to beta test the affiliate genie and I absolutely love it. I immediately built a website for a product launch that already went live. My review site was indexed in 2 hours and I was number one in Google within 2 days. There is proof if you click my link below...
Author Bio:
Affiliate Genie makes wonderful looking affiliate marketing websites that are designed to sell products. It is very easy to use and the sites are fully SEO optimized to get you traffic. For affiliates who can't wrap their heads around Wordpress or more experienced marketers who want to crank out powerful websites fast, it is your best bet for a professional looking website.
If you would like to learn more about the affiliate genie and see the proof of my website rankings after just a couple days using this product, then check out this link affiliate genie reviews or affiliate genie. One of the bonuses you'll get when you order from my site is a step by step guide of everything I do on a product launch to get my site to #1! Great info for people who want to make serious money online.
Labels: Affiliate Marketing , Affiliate Programs , Internet Marketing
Get the Top Selling Affiliate Marketing Course for Free
Last week I wrote about the $1 offer of Chris Carpenter's Google Cash Course, now you can get the course at no charge. Chris has just yesterday decided to give out his Google Cash Course totally free to fight the scam programs that used the similar name, 'Google Cash'.
The Google Cash Course was originally released by Chris Carpenter. Chris began by putting up his course for sale on Clickbank in year 2003. In just after the first week listing on Clickbank
e-book marketplace, the Google Cash course turned out to be the best seller in the 'Money and Employment' category of Clickbank. The course then became the best seller for the next two years and people who are in affiliate marketing know the name of Chris Carpenter.

But in years 2008 and 2009, there are more and more scam programs showing up on the Internet using the similar name like Google Cash Kit, Google Cash Success Kit, Google Pro kit, and many more.
All these scam programs work the same way. They claim to offer a start-up kit that will guide you to start making good money with Google. Visitors who sign up for these kits will need to enter their credit card details and get charged a $2.95 (or a little more) shipping fee. The program will then send the kit to the visitors who signed up.
But many people have complained that they didn't receive the kit and get charged an expensive monthly fee of $60 to $80 that they have no idea what is it for after 7 days of sign up. Then you'll find it hard to cancel and getting refund of the expensive charge seems not possible.
These programs have been widely promoted to millions of people. So, be careful when you are searching for information about how to make money online. You could be presented with one of these programs and become another victim. If you like to know about these scam programs, you can read a previous post that I wrote about the Google Pro Kit Scam.
Anyway, what Chris offers is totally different from these scams. Chris's Google Cash Course is a step-by-step course teaching you how to start making money online using Google AdWords and affiliate programs. The course contains a lot of useful information and you get the chance to learn the successful methods that Chris has used to make a living online.
Google Cash Course used to sell at Clickbank for a price of $67 with 45 days money back guarantee. So, if you don't like it for any reason after purchase, you can request for a full refund. Certainly no way it is a scam.
OK now, since Chris wants to clear his name and fight the scam, he is giving out his Google Cash course for free. If you want to start making money from affiliate marketing but don’t know where to begin, this is the course for you.
AdSense Tips from Google AdSense Specialists

If AdSense is a money making program that works for you, then I'm sure you are always interested to learn how to improve your AdSense performance. A good way to learn how to use AdSense effectively is through the webinar run by the Google AdSense specialists and experts.
From time to time the the AdSense specialists and experts of Google run a series of webinar focusing on topics like AdSense optimization, increasing your AdSense revenue and taking advantages of new features. These are helpful webinars you can participate for free. Not just you'll learn the optimization techniques that will increase your AdSense revenue but also you can ask questions live to the AdSense specialists through instant messaging.
If you like to sign up for the series of AdSense webinar, here's the link to join:
There are also previous AdSense webinars that have been recorded. You can watch them anytime.
Labels: Internet Marketing , Pay Per Click Advertising , Training
Beth Banks Cohn & Roz Usheroff - Taking The Leap - Author interview
Leadership development and executive branding experts Beth Banks Cohn Ph.D. and Roz Usheroff, co-authors of practical career strategy and leadership development book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond, were kind enough to take the time to answer some questions about their career transformational book.
My thanks to Roz Usheroff and Beth Banks Cohn for their wonderful answers that provide information on the most important career development skills, and their application in any organization or economic conditions.
What was the background to writing this book, Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: The two of us were talking about the need we have seen, as we work in different corporations, for people to be more strategic in how they manage their careers. We decided to combine our expertise and write a book about it, because our clients and others have told us they are hungry for practical ways to be more resilient, move up the corporate ladder faster, get noticed, be more successful, make more money, be masterful communicators and networkers, and so on.
Are the rules of employment and career management changing, especially in these turbulent economic times?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: The rules of employment and career management aren't changing as much as the business environment is. By that we mean individuals should always have been managing their careers and been strategic in how they work within their corporations. But the current business environment is such that if you neglected managing your career in a focused and conscious way, you may not be able to "get by" the way you might have in the past. Continually reading the landscape of your company, continually looking at what value you bring to the organization, and regularly reviewing where you are and where you want to go was a good idea before; now it is imperative.
Roz Usheroff (photo left)
Is this advice equally valid for a Baby Boomer nearing retirement, a Generation X employee in mid-career, and a recent Millennial graduate just entering the workforce?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: This information is relevant to everyone, no matter where they are in their career. A baby boomer nearing retirement can still use this information, but they will use it differently because they may be approaching the end of their current career. We often meet baby boomers who have no interest in retiring at 65, but nevertheless want to pursue a different field, or alter their level of involvement, such as going in an entrepreneurial direction such as consulting.
On the other hand, Gen Xers in mid-career can use the strategies in the book to steer their careers in a different direction, say, from marketing to management, or in the same direction just with more purpose--gaining new clients or expanding their influence in the company, for instance. And Millennials can use the book's principles and tools to look at their first company differently, gain some political savvy, and boost or develop other business skills that might otherwise take them years to acquire.
Can proper career management help an employee avoid being part of a company layoff?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: Absolutely. If you have been managing your career, creating your "personal board of directors" and your larger network, and keeping your skills sharp in your chosen profession you will be much better off if a layoff occurs than if you had no plan at all. Part of what we show employees is how to be both proactive and defensive strategically, so as to be the last man standing in a layoff, or else the first hired and most sought after by other companies--a person with lots of options and opportunities in any scenario.
What type of employee stays employed when others are being let go?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: That is hard to say, since sometimes a layoff has nothing to do with you and the job and value you bring to a corporation. We'd like to think those who constantly bring value, who create networks and connections inside their companies, and who know how to navigate the politics will remain employed. But sometimes that won't be true. What is true, though, is that if you are that person you will be able to use all you've built to find yourself another job as quickly as possible.
How can an employee take control of their own destiny and discover their own inner strengths and talents?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: Read our book! Also, seek outside help, a coach or mentor who can be a partner in the discovery process. Develop your strengths--such as communication or tech skills. Above all, make a career plan. Don't just treat your job as a flowing stream that takes you along in the current. Navigate that stream. Know what your goals are. Play the power politics and networking games. Be a leader and be ambitious, no matter what your level in the company.
What is personal leadership and how can it help an employee succeed?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: Personal leadership is knowing what you stand for, deciding what kind of leader you want to be, and then working toward that continually. Even if you know you never want to be more than an individual contributor, you can still decide what kind of personal leadership you will show in your job and then work toward that. A large part of personal leadership is branding yourself. Define what makes you different from everyone else. Once you know who you are, you can focus on developing the major leadership traits: trustworthiness, courage, passion, compassion, confidence, humility, inspiration, political savvy, leading without authority, and approachability. When you consciously work on behaviors and skills that demonstrate high standards in these leadership areas, you will gain influence, your reputation will soar, and you'll have a competitive edge in everything you do.
Beth Banks Cohn (photo left)
How critical are strong written and interpersonal communication skills in an ever more digital world?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff Interpersonal communication skills are more critical than ever. Just because you can send an email doesn't mean you should. Knowing when to use technology and when to just pick up the phone will be critical in the future. Written communication is also important, but using the written word well won't always help you; interpersonal communication skills will.
Office politics are often seen as part of any organization. How can an employee succeed while avoiding the pitfalls of office politics involvement?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: Office politics are different from political savvy. Being politically savvy can help you maneuver through office politics by helping you understand the bigger picture in which the office politics exist. For example, an essential survival skill is to be able to read the landscape and then act in accordance with your assessment. Who holds the formal power in your company? Who holds the informal power? Who's connected to whom? Using this approach, an employee will be able to showcase her contributions by involving the right people. She'll also be able to build her "street cred" by gaining a reputation for making things happen.
Office culture can also be toxic, and if you're not aware of the power dynamics, you can go down. When Beth first started out in business, her first boss gave her some great advice: "Never say anything bad about anyone." This has helped tremendously over the years by reminding us that there are two sides to every story and that sometimes there are multiple truths. Employees can avoid the pitfalls of negative office politics by simply being aware of the minefields and learning to step around them.
In an increasingly globalized economy, should employees look to global opportunities for career advancement around the world?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: We have always encouraged people to take international assignments if they are available. The knowledge, confidence, and business experience you get from working and living in another culture is invaluable. Being effective in a multicultural work environment is a skill set that every employer values--and one you can leverage in today's increasingly diverse workplaces.
What is the one piece of advice that every employee should follow at any point in a career?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: Never stop growing and evolving, both personally and professionally.
What is next for Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff?
Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff: Beth is going to write her next book on change as a follow-up to her first book, ChangeSmart. The next book will be on communication during a change effort. And she'll continue to build her consulting practice.
Roz is continuing to build and expand the speaking part of her business--keynotes and seminars--as well as continuing her work with personal branding.
My book review of Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond by Beth Banks Cohn Ph.D. and Roz Usheroff
Beth Banks Cohn Ph.D. is a leading expert in change management and leadership development. Roz Usheroff is an internationally recognized communication expert and personal branding executive coach. They are coauthors of the new book, Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond. You can find out more about them at and
Tags: Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond, Beth Banks Cohn, Roz Usheroff, career management, leadership, bbusiness author interviews.
Labels: author interviews
Taking The Leap by Beth Banks Cohn & Roz Usheroff - Book reviews
Taking the Leap
Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond
Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond
By: Beth Banks Cohn Ph.D., Roz Usheroff
Published: October 2, 2009
Format: Paperback, 148 pages
ISBN: 1439249172
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
"We have a generation of workers set to retire, and coming up to replace them is a new generation, raised on the horror stories of corporate life, who have decided there must be a better way", write leadership development and executive branding experts Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usherhoff, in their practical career strategy and leadership development book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond. The authors share the critical foundation qualities of personal leadership, communication, and change management as the cornerstones of building a solid career strategy.
Beth Banks Cohn (photo left) and Roz Usheroff understand that the world of employment is changing constantly. As a result, the authors remind their readers that managing a career is critical to success. To leave their career in someone else's hands is impossible in today's economic and business environment. It's up to the individual to learn and develop the essential skills for building a successful career over their working lifetime. While the strategies taught in the book may not prevent layoffs entirely, the skills of leadership, managing change, and developing strong communication skills will go far toward ensuring that career risk is lowered dramatically. While there is no secret formula that guarantees success, the authors share the most important strategies for success in any economy.
Roz Usheroff (photo left) and Beth Banks Cohn recognize the importance of developing the authentic self, based on building trust and integrity of action, communication, and character. The authors stress self confidence, being likable, and having personal courage in developing leadership skills. With these attributes in place, a person can better manage the inevitable change that will occur in the workplace, as well as in the overall economy. Whether the change takes place in the current place of employment or through job change, strong career management will serve the person well. The book also contains an important section developing strong communication skills that are direct, honest, and free of gender and cultural bias.
For me, the power of the book is how Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff present a no nonsense approach to career management. Their core concepts work well in any stage of a career and in any economy. The authors utilize a step by step technique where the critical skills build on one another in a logical sequence. At he end of each chapter is a valuable summary of the key points presented in each section. Throughout the book are a number of personal checklists and self assessment tools that help to establish the concepts in an individual format. The book is a valuable resource for people at any stage of their career. Whether the reader is a Baby Boomer nearing retirement, a Generation Xer in mid career, or a Millennial beginning the career journey, the information is applicable to every group.
I highly recommend the career transformational book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond by Roz Usheroff and Beth Banks Cohen, to anyone seeking to take charge of their own career path and success. This valuable resource will equip anyone to establish a successful career, regardless of the changes taking place within a company, or the upheavals of the economy as a whole.
Read the sharply focused career building book Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond by Beth Banks Cohn and Roz Usheroff, and learn and enhance the most critical career building skills. This book will prepare a person of any age for any challenge that may arise in establishing a successful career in any business or profession.
Tags: Taking the Leap: Managing Your Career in Turbulent Times...and Beyond, Beth Banks Cohn, Roz Usheroff, career management, leadership, business book reviews.
Labels: book reviews