Think back five years ago and see if you are able to recall what the HOT businesses were or what was popular marketing in America. The enormous HUMMER brand of vehicles were the hot new thing everyone wanted, McDonalds was promoting 'Super Size your meal', the size of homes in America was near the all time largest. Everything was BIG.
Looking back this seems like a tremendous waste of money but it was HUGE and it was fun. Everything in America was huge, we super sized everything from trucks and SUV's to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Single adults were buying 4 bedroom homes, soccer moms all drove over sized Sport Utility Vehicles to the grocery store and I was getting 8MPG driving to our website company office in the new HUMMER. The perception, marketing and consumption in America was BIGGER, BETTER, MORE! Some of this was alleviated by the health fad leading to the advent of apples and fruit as side order options to replace french fries. There are no more Super Size Menu's today, the largest auto maker who led the way in the SUPER SIZE VEHICLES went bankrupt and a tiny weird looking battery powered car named the Prius is the hot new car to have instead of a HUMMER.
Perception changes then times change and business changes. American businesses adapted to the paradigm shift from large to small in many unseen ways.
At the grocery store nearly all ice cream sold has reduced the size of the cartons while maintaining the same price. Go to dinner anywhere and there are 'Two for Twenty Dollars' menu's everywhere providing smaller portions of regular menu items at a smaller cost (the menu does not say the items are smaller, they just are). Everything in America is getting smaller from houses to dinner portions, food at the grocery store and vehicles often times without anyone consciously noticing the change. I will never buy a Prius and DID use the HUMMER to go off road every opportunity that arose. As society changes so does marketing, then marketing and news changes perception for the masses and most people never notice.
Business today has changed, the # 1 place to reach buyers is on the Internet and the Internet is going to put several traditional businesses out of business. Be conscious of change, of customer needs and constantly research where business is headed online. Search Engines change every day, social networking connects over 70 million people worldwide and your business needs to take advantage of change to be successful.
Robert 'Dot Com' Jackson - Building Better Websites & Online Solutions since 1995
913-814-8844 Office
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