The Power of Collective Wisdom
And the Trap of Collective Folly
By: Alan Briskin, John Ott, Sheryl Erickson, Tom Callanan
Published: October 2009
Format: Paperback, 239pp
ISBN-13: 9781576754450
ISBN-10: 1576754456Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
"Collective wisdom reflects a similar capacity to learn together and evolve toward something greater and wiser than what we can do as individuals alone", write educators, founders of the Collective Wisdom Institute, and group process facilitators Alan Briskin, John Ott, Sheryl Erickson and Tom Callanan in their important and world changing book The Power of Collective Wisdom: And the Trap of Collective Folly. The authors share a convincing and timely discussion of the need and desire for moving beyond individuality to a more collective mode of thinking, where wisdom can emerge spontaneously, creating effective solutions to the pressing problems and concerns of today and tomorrow.
Alan Briskin, John Ott, Sheryl Erickson and Tom Callanan describe, through stories and examples of the necessity for people to work together to imagine and develop ideas and possibilities larger than themselves. The authors believe firmly that the old problem solving solutions, and the divisive nature of much modern thinking, are no longer effective and are even counter-productive in process and outcome. For the authors, change is not entirely at the macro level, but works even more effectively when collective wisdom applied at the individual level. Small groups of people working together, thinking of ideas and workable lasting solutions, are the basis for collective wisdom to appear and spread to others. The authors recognize that collective wisdom cannot be willed into existence, but will arise when the right climate of cooperation, understanding, and mutual respect are in place.

Alan Briskin (photo left), John Ott, Sheryl Erickson and Tom Callanan understand the dangers of collective thinking as well. The authors warn against what they term collective folly. When groups of people get together, with the desire to solve problems, there is always the risk of polarization and of forced agreement. Both situations work against collective wisdom bu imposing group think and even the horrors of a mob mentality. Recent history and current events provide many all too familiar examples of the forces of collective folly in action. The authors show the reader how to be alert to the group dynamics that can lead away from collective wisdom and down the treacherous road toward collective folly. By knowing the warning signs, the dangers of collective folly can be avoided, and the groundwork for the spontaneous appearance of collective wisdom, can be put into place.
For me, the power of the book is how Alan Briskin, John Ott, Sheryl Erickson and Tom Callanan describe the empowering and world changing aspects of collective wisdom through both theory and real world example. The book and its ideas are research based, on actual academic and practical study, making the concept relevant and a realistic process and goal to achieve. For the authors, human nature does not tend toward atomization and isolation, but toward collective understanding and problem solving as a group. The open and honest admission, that collective wisdom cannot be willed into existence, is important for understanding the concept and its value. If an attempt is made to force collective wisdom, that thinking process will lead instead to the pitfalls of collective folly. Through the critical six commitments presented by the authors, the likelihood that collective wisdom will appear are greatly enhanced.
I highly recommend the must read book The Power of Collective Wisdom: And the Trap of Collective Folly by Alan Briskin, John Ott, Sheryl Erickson and Tom Callanan, to anyone seeking a better way to discover and make real and lasting decisions that benefit everyone, and not just the few. Instead of personal agendas, polarization, and false agreement, learn the extraordinary ability of groups to tap into extraordinary human potential.
Read the essential guide to finding the strength of co-creation The Power of Collective Wisdom: And the Trap of Collective Folly by Alan Briskin, John Ott, Sheryl Erickson and Tom Callanan, and find insight through cooperation, instead of polarization.
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